And So It Was Done! / by Derric Clemmons

It's with a great sense of accomplishment that we recap Cocomocha's successful installation of it's first floating mural for Macias Produce. The production of this mural was an ambitious project. With months in the making, the pieces left the colorful walls of Cocomocha's studio. They were carefully wrapped and delivered to their new home.

On Thursday, July 16th, 2015 Cocomocha's crew met at Macias Produce.  The empty canvas awaited. The parking lot of Macias Produce was our playground for the day. We battled the rain that poured throughout the day. Ladders, drills, hammers and eye measurements were our instruments for the orchestrated plan.

The clouds spared us a few hours, and that was when the magic happened. Tony Macias Jr. arrived with a grill in hand and a smile as big as the mural!  He was ready to start the cookout in celebration of the great installation that awaited. 

Soon enough burgers and hotdogs were sizzling away (300 of each to be exact) perfuming the parking lot and attracting people over. The response of the community was amazing! So many people from all walks of life came over. They peeked at our work, curiously watching as the art pieces were arranged.  The line for the food was endless.  A neighbor blasted music from his car. It was a party! A celebration of art, of community, of togetherness, of people sharing something so small, but so genuinely kind that it was just so immense. When I saw everyone lined up, laughing, talking, hugging and waiting for food, a thought came to mind, "People, no matter their life circumstances, are always drawn to love, togetherness and compassion."

The installation that was planned for six hours, turned into 3 days. On Saturday, July 18 at 8pm, the mural, gloriously high up in its place, was awaiting to be revealed. The moment we had anticipated was finally here.  Months and countless hours of work were finished and the majestic floating mural illuminated the entire parking lot.

Cocomocha would like to thank everyone at Macias Produce for trusting us with their business facade and for their generosity to the community.  We are excited for the projects ahead.  We thank our supporters and the entire Cocomocha crew for helping on site and cheering us on through social media!

We would love to hear your comments! Please share our blog and like our Facebook page.

Thanks again for all the support!

-Sandra Lara